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VR Memory Palace





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



VR Memory Palace(圖1)-速報App

You can use memory palace with virtual space.

Currently, it corresponds to the four rooms on the right side.

At the time of return, please hit Item No. 52.

I will explain to you the new application.

It's a bit sudden but do you know mnemonic?

Mnemonic was developed about 2500 years ago by Simonides.

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Simonides was a poet.

He was reading poetry in a palace

and as soon as he went outside

the palace broke down.

Many people were killed.

To see that many amounts of corpses spread was a terrible situation

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and to this day it is unknown the reason why that incident happened.

But Simonides was commemorated in a palace selected by the people.

Simonides could recognize all people and the mnemonic method was born at that time.

This is also called the method of loci.


There are some people who are using this method for their learning process such as:

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1. Mr. Timothy Doner who speaks over 20 languages and who talked publically about his usage of the method of loci.


2. Mr.Joshua Fore who is a national memory champion and who explains in more detail how to use the method of loci in TED.


3. Mr. Oono Motoro who also talked about the way he used the method of loci to be awarded the Guinness World Record.


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A lot of memorable experts say that this method is becoming more

and more popular and because of this many people have started using

the method of loci for reaching their goals.

It's possible for everyone to use the method of loci but not everyone can use it effectively;

because all people cannot master it.

This is because the method has a serious defect.

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It is required to have a very large place and to have that area is very difficult;

which takes lots of much time.

However, it's not difficult to remember your location.

There is no problem if you take much time to remember your location.

There is a simple solution.

I successfully created a virtual memory place in an application and it's useful for a very big memory place. Its operation is simple.

VR Memory Palace(圖7)-速報App

If you set the automatic mode then you just observe and you can make a big memory place if you just look.

Please try this application

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